Speak to lead
“Speak to lead“-Book
How to sell ideas, visions or simply the truth
Worldwide the only book about speeches, published by members of a Toastmasters club!
The credo of the 22 authors is: “Giving a speech is not a form of art, but primarily a craft with tools!” Its precise application and perfection can be learned. They have marked this book with colourful highlights of checkpoints, knowledge, recommendations for sharpened use in every speech.
From Practitioners for Daily Use – With Tips & Tricks

Gladys Just, OB Stephan Keller, Malte W. Wilkes, Philipp Eger

OB T. Geisel, Malte W. Wilkes, C. Benedict
Many insights originate from frequent and intense practice. Mishap provides excellent learning opportunities. The authors experienced complex power point presentations, which crashed one minute before the start of the speech, so they had to give the speech without aid of the presentation.
Some only realized on the stage that they still have the chewing gum in their mouths and bravely swallowed it. And one or two still feel the chill of icy silence on their skin when their ideas did not resonate at all with their audience.
The speech book for every speech occasion in life
Everyone has to talk in his life: the student at a presentation, the student in an oral exam, the manager at the presentation of a new concept or a self-presentation to a new team, the salesman before his customers, the freelancer at a pitch, the gallery owner or store owner at the opening or presentation of a new collection. Oral applications, concept presentations, debates, discussion rounds, press conferences, lectures at specialist conferences, application to investors and many more are the key to success today. For all these and every one else, this book was written.
A look at the book “Speak to Lead” on Amazon: Speak to Lead preview at Amazon
Of course – whoever says something different, is cheating – a book cannot replace practising and consequently not the Düsseldorfer Toastmasters. But anyway, of course everyone knew that.